Support Your Health Naturally with Jordana Alba

Committed to guiding you toward optimal health and well-being through education and support. I offer foundational skills for long-term positive impact, focusing on nutrition, lifestyle, and overall well-being to bring lasting, positive changes to your life.

Save time, energy, money and cook healthy nutritious meals

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"Weekly Meal Planner" equips you with the tools and strategies you need to take control of your weekly meals. By harnessing the power of organisation and pre-planning, you can reclaim your evenings and enjoy nourishing yourself and your loved ones with delicious, home-cooked meals.

The "Weekly Meal Planner" is designed to empower you on your journey towards better nutrition, time management, and overall well-being.

How Naturopathy can help you

Diet addressing nutritional deficiencies and meal planning.

Digestive Health addressing issues like indigestion, bloating, and irregular bowel movements.

Hormonal balance support within the menstrual cycle and fertility, and conditions like PMS, endometriosis and PCOS.

Mood, Energy and Well-being addressing mood disorders, energy levels and promoting emotional well-being.

Stress Management providing herbal remedies and stress-reduction techniques to manage everyday stress and promote mental well-being.

Sleep Disorders offering natural solutions to improve sleep quality and address insomnia or other sleep-related issues.


60 minutes with Jordana, online and in-person.
We go through your health history, diet, lifestyle, and work life.
We discuss some habits, suggestions, and health goals.
You receive a comprehensive health plan.


You get a comprehensive digital health plan to keep for life and refer to when needed.
Educational information to help you understand the why and how of your health.
Practical and achievable health goals.
Referral to blood tests, functional tests, or other practitioners.

Health Plan

You may be prescribed a supplement or herbal medicine.
It could include vitamins, minerals, or substances that support health.
Herbal medicine prescription may be in the form of liquid or tablets.
We discuss all this information during the consultation and on the health plan to ensure you are well-informed.

Supplements & Herbal Medicine

Analysis of blood tests conducted by your General Practitioner.
Referral and analysis of blood tests in case you didn't do them via GP.
Referral for functional testing to measure gut and hormonal health.
Analysis of test results and review of the health plan.
