What naturopathy means for Jordana

“As a believer in the body's innate ability to heal and the power of natural remedies, naturopathic medicine resonates with me on a deep level. Naturopathic medicine is not just a form of treatment, but a way of life. It's about making small, sustainable changes to our daily habits which I call micro-movements that enhance our health and wellbeing. 

As a complementary medicine, naturopathic treatments work in conjunction with conventional medicine to provide a more holistic approach to healthcare. By addressing the root cause of an illness rather than just treating the symptoms, naturopathic medicine can help prevent chronic diseases and improve our quality of life.

In a world where we are constantly bombarded by artificial and synthetic products, naturopathic medicine provides a refreshing and natural alternative. It's about working with our bodies, not against them, to achieve optimal health and wellness”.

Jordana Alba

Naturopath & Medical Herbalist - BNMH

In my mid-20s, I became a flight attendant, a career some people glamorise, but the crazy lifestyle negatively impacted my health, which was the tipping point of a two-year depression for me. I would sleep for 13 hours when not flying, spend my free time scrolling through social media, didn‘t have any ambitions, and developed social anxiety to the point I hated hanging out with people and, I hated myself. I was not well.

The depression consumed my life until I started finding ways to feel better. I read books and developed an interest in homemade beauty products and nutrition. I wanted to learn about my body and how to help myself heal.

I completed a Yoga Teacher Training Course and a Meditation Course and consulted with Ayurvedic Doctors until I found Naturopathy and Herbalism. I found, what was my way to get out of depression, learning about the human body and how to look after myself naturally, using nutrition, lifestyle practices and herbalism. I found my place.

Today, as a naturopath, I get to support people through their health issues, with empathy, listen to people's stories, and use evidence-based practice to create a foundation to educate my clients on how to feel better.

I believe how we look after and treat ourselves determines how we feel, and everyone deserves to thrive and live an inspiring life. It is a matter of education, informed decisions and practice. One step at a time, we can learn to be wholesome, feel better and thrive :)

With love,
Jordana Alba x

Hello, I am Jordana Alba, the naturopath and herbalist behind this page.

Studying for a bachelor's degree in a second language has been my biggest accomplishment.

I am originally from Brazil and moved to New Zealand when I was 18 years old. My passion for this country developed as I travelled around in my camper van exploring the vast coastlines and beautiful lands of NZ. The serenity of this place has got me calling New Zealand home.

My health story started as a young child who experienced anxiety and insomnia from being bullied at school and a parent's divorce at the age of 6. I quietly experienced all those feelings of being scared to go to school and the feelings of missing out on having a stable family. I grew up extremely independent and carried the anxiety through my teenage years into adulthood. I developed addictions as a way to “comfort“ my nervous system.